Number of servings: 01 Preparation time: 15 minutes

Turkish eggs (Çılbır) with Garlic Chilli with Oil OLE!

– 2 eggs
– 5 tablespoons Greek yogurt
– 2-4 teaspoon lemon juice
– tabespoon white vinegar
– 1 clove fresh garlic
– salt
– 4-5 tablespoons butter
Garlic Chilli in Oil OLE!
– chilli powder
– fresh dill
– baked toast

Mix yogurt with fresh, squeezed garlic, salt and lemon juice. Boil water in a pot, add white vinegar, stir water add gently add slide in the egg, one on each side of the pot and poach the eggs for 3-4minutes. Ina pan, melt the butter, add oil from Garlic Chili in Oil OLE! and chili powder. Stir. Add yogurt to the bowl, top with poached eggs, pour over the chili butter and sprinkle with fresh, chopped dill. Eat with toast.