Ilość porcji: 01
Czas przygotowania: 40 minut
Salad with roasted pumpkin, pomegranate seeds, blue cheese and white Garlic in vinegar OLE!
• ½ pumpkin
• 1 package of blue cheese (e.g. gorgonzola)
• lettuce
• white garlic in vinegar OLE!
• 1/3 of the pomegranate
• olive oil
• salt & pepper
• 1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice
Peel the pumpkins and hollow out the centre. Cut into pieces. Bake at 180 Celsius degrees for about 30 minutes (until soft). During this time, combine the oil with salt, pepper and lemon juice. Ensemble lettuce, hot pumpkin, pieces of cheese, white garlic in vinegar OLE! and pomegranate seeds on a plate. Pour sauce over it.