Number of servings: 04 Preparation time: 60 minutes


• 2 red bell peppers
• 1 zucchini
• 1 eggplant
• 6 raspberry tomatoes (cored and sliced) or a can of sliced tomatoes
OLE! Marinated mushrooms with carrots and onions
• 1 onion
• 1 clove of garlic
• ½ teaspoon of each: dried smoked paprika and chilli
• salt
• Oil
Dice the onion and cook in oil for about 15 minutes until it is soft and golden. Next, add spices – smoked and hot peppers. During this time, cut all vegetables into thick cubes and add to the rest of the ingredients in the pot. Cook everything for about 15 minutes.

Add tomatoes and mushrooms marinated with carrots and onions and cook for another 20-30 minutes, until the ingredients are soft.
Season with salt. Serve it warm.